phat.dists.Phat(mu, sig, xi_l, xi_r, p)

Pareto Hybrids with Asymmetric Tails

phat.tseries.Garchcaster(garch, …)

Class for forecasting time series via ARMA-GARCH process.

class phat.dists.Phat(mu: float, sig: float, xi_l: float, xi_r: float, p: Optional[Iterable] = None)

Pareto Hybrids with Asymmetric Tails

Twin-tailed distribution combines:

1) right-tailed CarBen with 2) left-tailed CarBen

Per Carreau and Bengio (2008).

The properites of the body in both distributions are equivalent; thus, the mixture requires just four parameters: two parameters for the Gaussian body and the tail index for each of the two tails. In all, the distribution has 8 parameters:

> Left tail: xi, a, b > Right tail: xi, a, b > Center: mu, sig

As with any mixture model, this mix is the weighted average result of values from the two components. Default weights are 0.5 / 0.5.

Weights could otherwise be estimated via machine learning, threshold analysis (for the tails), and gaussian statistics (for the body).

xi_l: inverse of tail index of left-tailed generalized Pareto tail xi_r: inverse of tail index of right-tailed generalized Pareto tail mu: mean of the Gaussian body sig: standard deviation of the Gaussian body p: relative weights of the two CarBen hybrids. Default: [.5, .5]

left: left-tailed CarBenHybrid object right: right-tailed CarBenHybrid object args: list of values of 8 parameters of Phat distribution params: name-value pairs of 8 parameters of Phat distribution learnable_params: name-value pairs of 4 given parameters of Phat distribution

> handle helper and common distribution functions that are agnostic to tail-direction

PARAM_NAMES = ['mu', 'sig', 'xi_l', 'xi_r', 'a_l', 'a_r', 'b_l', 'b_r']
property args
property params
property learnable_params

Params tuned by machine learning approach

pdf(x: Union[float, Iterable[Sequence[float]]] = None)numpy.ndarray

x: float, m x n iterable of floats of random variable samples

float or iterable of floats returning the likelihood of occurence of each sample

cdf(x: Union[float, Iterable[Sequence[float]]] = None)numpy.ndarray

x: float, m x n iterable of floats of random variable samples

float or iterable of floats returning cumulative probability of each sample

sf(x: Union[float, Iterable[Sequence[float]]] = None)numpy.ndarray

x: float, m x n iterable of floats of random variable samples

float or iterable of floats returning survival probability of each sample

ppf(q: Union[float, Iterable[Sequence[float]]] = None)numpy.ndarray

q: float, iterable of floats between [0, 1]

float or iterable of floats returning x values corresponding to the given quantiles

nll(x: Union[float, Iterable[Sequence[float]]] = None)numpy.ndarray

Negative loglikelihood used in machine learning cost functions

rvs(size: Optional[Union[int, Iterable[Sequence[int]]]] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None)Union[float, Iterable[Sequence[float]]]

Generates random draws

  1. Draws randomly from [0,1] uniform distribution

  2. Calls quantile function for each draw

Mimics scipy process: https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/28e4811d48c99b7c68e41992eda5cff859c1fa2b/scipy/stats/_distn_infrastructure.py#L1032

size: int or iterable of ints providing dimensions of return array seed: int; initialize with specific random state for replication

std_rvs(*args, **kwargs)

Generates random variables standardized by dividing by the standard deviation

Resulting samples should have a standard deviation of 1

static fit(values, xi_l: Optional[float] = None, xi_r: Optional[float] = None)phat.dists.PhatFit

Generates standard log-likelihood fit to Phat distribution

PhatFit object, which is a light wrapper for statsmodels GenericLogLikelihood

class phat.tseries.Garchcaster(garch: Optional[Union[arch.univariate.base.ARCHModelResult, Iterable[float]]] = None, arma: Optional[Union[pmdarima.arima.arima.ARIMA, Iterable[float]]] = None, y: Optional[Iterable[float]] = None, vols: Optional[Iterable[float]] = None, resids: Optional[Iterable[float]] = None, iters: int = 1, periods: int = 252, order: Optional[tuple] = None, dist: Optional[Union[phat.dists.Phat, scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_frozen]] = None, use_backcast: bool = True)

Class for forecasting time series via ARMA-GARCH process.

Instances of a pmdarima-based ARIMA object and/or an ARCHModelResult from the arch package can be provided directly. Alternatively, the user can provide all residuals, standardized residuals, conditional volatilities, the parameters for the ARMA-GARCH process, and the order.

arma: instance of pmdarima ARIMA class OR iterable of floats;

Either provide a pmdarima instance or the params derived from any arima process. If None, will search for AR process in garch, otherwise assumes ConstantMean.

garch: instance of arch ARCHModelResult class OR iterable of floats;

either provide an ARCHModelResult instance or the params derived from any garch process

y: float or iterable of floats;

iters x periods standardized residuals after filtering an ARMA-GARCH. Only required if garch is not ARCHModelResult type.

vols: float or iterable of floats;

iters x periods conditional volatilities resulting from an ARMA-GARCH process. Only required if garch is not ARCHModelResult type.

resids: float or iterable of floats; iters x periods residuals after filtering an ARMA-GARCH.

Only required if garch is not ARCHModelResult type.

iters: int; number of iterations of forecast periods: int; number of periods in each iteration of the forecast dist: Phat or scipy rv_frozen class; distribution used to generate residuals use_backcast: bool; use procedure to smooth values. See https://arch.readthedocs.io/en/latest/univariate/generated/generated/arch.univariate.GARCH.backcast.html

forecast(iters: int = None, periods: int = None, dist: Union[phat.dists.Phat, scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_frozen] = None, innovs: Iterable = None, seed: int = None)phat.tseries.GarchcastResults

User-facing interface with forecast generator

iters: int; number of iterations of forecast periods: int; number of periods in each iteration of the forecast dist: Phat or scipy rv_frozen class; distribution used to generate residuals innovs: iters x periods np.ndarray of garch residuals seed: int; random state for innovation determination if innovs is not provided
